Awards night 25th August 2015

Images from the Awards Night on 25th August 2015

Donal presents Pat Coleman with the Club Champion prize
Donal presents Pat Coleman with his prize as Club Champion 2014/15
Donal presents Frank Pentony with the C Club Championship prize
Donal presents Frank Pentony with his prize as the Section C Club Champion
Andrew presents Donal O'Boyle with the Noeleen Thomson Cup
Andrew presents Donal O’Boyle with the Noeleen Thomson Cup
Donal presents Cillian Howlett with prize as winner of the Plate competition
Donal presents Cillian Howlett with prize as winner of the Plate competition
Donal presents Andrew with the Plate runner up prize
Donal presents Andrew with the Plate runner up prize

First Club tournament of the new season

The competitive season will begin with the traditional Autumn tournament but with a twist.

Players will be divided into groups of 4 based on ICU ratings.

It will be played over 3 weeks, with time control similar to LCU League, including Fischer time.

Please check you email for further details and indicate you participation asap?

Report on AGM held on 25th August 2015

The following officers were elected at the AGM of Drogheda Chess Club on 25th August 2015:

President: Donal O’Boyle

Chairman: Pat Scanlan

Secretary: Paul McDonnell

Treasurer: Maurice O’Connor

Webmaster/Fixtures Secretary: Frank Pentony

Assistant Fixtures Secretary: John Doyle

Committee Member: Ben Reilly

A full report on the outcome will be published shortly.

REMINDER – AGM on Tuesday 25th August at 8.30pm

The AGM of Drogheda Chess Club will take place at 8.30pm on Tuesday next 25th August in the Boyne Valley Hotel. This will be followed by the Presentation of Prizes for last seasons Club Championships, Cup and Plate competitions.

Hopefully, the refreshments will be served afterwards.


International Knight Fork Day – 20th August


August 20 is International Knight Fork Day.

The legend goes that Tamerlane (or Timurthe Lame), Emperor of the Mongols managed to attack his opponent’s rook and king simultaneously, at the moment his son’s birth was announced. He immortalised the instant in his son’s name Knight-fork (Shah-rukh actually) in 1377.

Which event pleased him more we are not certain?

So now you know – no excuse next simultaneous exhibition or lecture within the year for not sending a card.

Another Tuesday – Same result!

Our second Blitz tournament of the new season proved popular, with 100% increase in the number of participants. While many of the ‘big guns’ showed up, and ‘flexed their pawns’ it was the ‘new kid on the block’ who reigned supreme,again. This time, Martynas Gudauskas, had a perfect score with 8/8, taking some notable scalps in the process.  These including the defeat of former Club Champion and No1 seed Kieran Rogers in the group stages, the cup holder Donal O’Boyle (DOB) in the semi-final,  and star of the June Congress, Joe Reid in the final.

Martin is clearly a talented player and the prospect of him lining out for the local team in the Leinster Chess League is a mouth-watering prospect.  Others to figure well on the night included Dayna Ferguson, Michael Johnston,  Kieran Rogers and Colm Somerville, who all bowed out at the quarter final stage.  Paddy McDonnell lost in the semi-final to Joe Reid.

A good nights chess was experienced by all and the new season looks promising!


Martynas v Joe, Blitz Final

1st night back and a surprising result!

They returned to chess last night but not in the numbers expected. However a six man Swiss was the order of the night with a surprising but encouraging result. Enter Martynas Gudauskas from Lithuania who had a perfect 5/5 to take the spoils.  Colm Somerville and Paddy McDonnel were joint 2nd on 3 points.

It’s more of the same next week, but I expect a few extra members will appear to challenge Martynas, but he looks the real deal.

Bring on Tuesday!