C Championship Update 19.01.16

C Championship update 19th January 2016:

REILLY, Ben            V     SCANLAN, Pat

The clash of the top two was a very open game with Pat taking a pawn advantage after 38 moves.  Ben who was undefeated after 2 rounds fought gallantly but Pat’s experience told in the end as he put his Championship challenge back on track.

SIMA, Sonia             V     KANE, Adam

Adam was keen to get back on track following his defeat to Ben in round 2.  Sonia, on the other hand, was looking to build on her win against Andrew in round 1.  Adam had the better of the opening and was a piece up after 22 moves.  However, Sonia continued to fight and eventually forced a draw.  She remains undefeated and I contention

WATSON, Andrew  V     EVANS, Keith

Andrew got his campaign going with a gutsy win over Keith who admitted to being below par.  An error late in the game by Keith sealed his fate and gave Andrew the win.


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